
Form for admin users to list VCS organisation services

The first version of the form for admin users to list their voluntary and community sector organisation support service in a directory for professionals working with families to search.

Connect families to support

5 July 2022

Form for admin users from local authorities to list services

We are creating a directory of family hub services for families to search for support in their local area.

Connect families to support

5 July 2022

Aligning the prototypes for ‘Connect’ and ‘Find’

When the design and research teams for the Information Sharing and Family Experience services joined together, we aligned the prototypes for 'Find support for your family' and 'Connect families to support'.

Connect families to support

6 January 2023

Developing the professional 'search and refer' a family

Testing and iterating the language we use to describe the service professionals will use to search for support services for families.

Connect families to support

19 July 2022

Collecting voluntary and community sector organisation information

Iterating the data we collect from voluntary and community sector organisations to display in a directory of services for professionals working with families.

Connect families to support

31 July 2022

Redesigning how professionals search for support for families

We redesigned the journey for professionals to search for, and connect families to, support.

Connect families to support

17 December 2022

Find support for your family alpha version 1

This is the first version of the prototype we tested with families to help them find support from family hubs and services in their local area.

Connect families to support

12 August 2022

Find support for your family alpha version 2

This is the second version of the prototype we tested with families to help them find support from family hubs and services in their local area.

Connect families to support

12 August 2022

Find support for your family alpha version 3

This is the third version of the prototype we tested with families to help them find support from family hubs and services in their local area.

Connect families to support

12 August 2022

Find support for your family alpha version 4

This is the fourth version of the prototype we tested with families to help them find support from family hubs and services in their local area.

Connect families to support

12 August 2022

Find support for your family alpha version 5

This is the fifth version of the prototype we tested with families to help them find support from family hubs and services in their local area.

Connect families to support

12 August 2022

Naming Find, Connect and Manage

We decided, in groups and in consultation with product managers, on service names and domains for Find, Connect and Manage.

Connect families to support

16 December 2022

Evolving categories for 'Connect' and 'Find'

We iterated the categories that services in 'Find' and 'Connect' can use to identify what they offer.

Connect families to support

10 November 2022

Iterating how users search in 'Find'

We added a secondary start page to 'Find support for your family', and redesigned the search filters, categories and results pages.

Connect families to support

28 October 2022

Filtering by age in ‘Find’ and ‘Connect’

We redesigned and moved the age filter, used by the ‘Find’ and ‘Connect’ services, to make it more obvious and useful.

Connect families to support

6 April 2023

Building a new user journey for 'Find'

How we designed our second user journey for testing.

Connect families to support

12 October 2022

Building the first user journey for 'Find'

How we designed our first user journey for testing.

Connect families to support

22 September 2022

Scoping the 'Find' MVP

We made design choices to inform the scope of our minimum viable product (MVP) for 'Find'.

Connect families to support

22 August 2022

A dashboard for VCS organisation users

We’ve designed a dashboard to show users a list of connection requests they’ve received. We’ve considered the search, sort and filter options we provide to help users find a connection request.

Connect families to support

21 April 2023

Navigation on the Family Hubs services

We’re adding a global navigation on Connect families to support and Manage connection requests.

Connect families to support

26 April 2023

Giving a warning on Connect families to support start page

We’ve used the warning component on the start page to tell users not to use the service to report safeguarding concerns. We considered ‘before you start’ text but learned users tend to ignore anything under the start button.

Connect families to support

28 April 2023

Allowing LA account managers to view VCS services

We identified the need for local authority (LA) account managers to have more oversight of services added by volunteer and community sector (VCS) organisations.

Connect families to support

4 July 2024