Making it easier to see which email needs actioning first
A smaller tweak based on user feedback which helps proc ops understand which messages need attention
Case Management System
30 September 2022
Operational overview of cases - Case statistics
A complete redesign of the case statistics page within the CMS
Case Management System
15 August 2022
Improving how messages are viewed in the CMS
A larger redesign of how emails are viewed within the CMS
Case Management System
30 July 2022
Upload your bill
How do we allow users to supply their energy information quickly and easily
Support query
25 October 2022
Energy Information pt2
How do we give users the latest information on the rise in energy costs
Support query
20 October 2022
Collecting contact numbers
We needed to design how to collect local authority professionals' phone numbers and contact preferences, so voluntary and community sector organisations could get in touch about their requests.
Connect families to support
26 June 2023
Creating a variable option for costs
When users add services to 'Manage family support services', they provide details about what the service costs. User research showed that binary options for ‘it costs money’ and ‘it does not cost money' were not enough for some users.
Connect families to support
24 July 2023
Changing how users add information about when a service takes place
Users of ‘Manage family support services’ need to add information about when their services happen. However, user research showed that we needed to improve our service so they could.
Connect families to support
24 July 2023
Improving the ‘add a service’ journey
Users can add services to our directory. User research showed that the ‘add a service’ journey was confusing, and gave us ideas for improving it. This post outlines what we changed and why.
Connect families to support
25 July 2023
Softening our language for VCS professionals
Our service relies on voluntary and community sector professionals using it to support families. Without them we have no service. So, we made our language softer and kinder.
Connect families to support
28 July 2023
Eligibility checking - round 3 design update
For our final round of User Research, we focused on a ‘Check now, apply later’ journey for parents.
Check your eligibility
13 December 2023
Round 2 - Free school meals testing
We tested a ‘storyboard’ concept with users who are ‘offline’- for example, they may have no recourse to public funds and don’t speak English as their first language.
Check your eligibility
13 December 2023
Designing for young people
What we've learnt about designing government services for younger users, especially those under the age of 18.
Find a
14 March 2025