
Adding DfE Frontend to the build

We've switched from GOV.UK Frontend to DfE Frontend.

Complete conversions, transfers and changes

17 July 2023

Adding transfers to the product

After several sprints of work, in early October we launched our pilot of transfer projects in the Complete conversions, transfers and changes product.

Complete conversions, transfers and changes

4 October 2023

Designing the transfers task list

Using the conversions task list as a basis, learning about how transfers were different and working with users to design a task list that meets their needs.

Complete conversions, transfers and changes

9 October 2023

Redesigning the project information page

The task list has been the focus of our work but other areas had become cluttered and needed reviewing.

Complete conversions, transfers and changes

12 October 2023

Redesigning the projects in progress page

How we redesigned the projects in progress page after the introduction of transfers.

Complete conversions, transfers and changes

18 October 2023

Realignment: Switching to an existing framework

A change in plans as the product switches to take advantage of an existing service for beta launch.

Get school business information

29 June 2023

Constituency and MP

We designed a way for delivery officers to enter a constituency name and MP.

Manage free school projects

20 November 2023

Exporting data from Complete

Catering for teams who use the information caseworkers and delivery officers enter to organise funding and update information about academies and trusts.

Complete conversions, transfers and changes

26 March 2024

Exporting data from Prepare

Catering for teams who use the information delivery officers enter to organise funding and update information about academies and trusts.

Prepare conversions and transfers

9 April 2024

Manage school experience service: Making user management easier

We built functionality to allow users who already had permission to access the Manage school experience service to add new users to their school from within the service.

Get School Experience

5 July 2024