
Energy information

How do we give users the latest information on the rise in energy costs

Find a framework

22 September 2022

Adding value to Case statistics

More depth to the case statistics with a smaller iteration

Case Management System

30 September 2022

Making it easier to see which email needs actioning first

A smaller tweak based on user feedback which helps proc ops understand which messages need attention

Case Management System

30 September 2022

Operational overview of cases - Case statistics

A complete redesign of the case statistics page within the CMS

Case Management System

15 August 2022

Improving how messages are viewed in the CMS

A larger redesign of how emails are viewed within the CMS

Case Management System

30 July 2022

Support flow

Starting point to iterate the process of collecting required information from the user

Support query

20 June 2022

Making it easier for users to monitor module progress

We created a way for users to monitor their progress through a module, by adding a new feature and iterating some existing pages.

Early years child development training

4 April 2023

Making the training more engaging - adding animated cards

Whilst exploring how we can make the training more engaging, we explored adding clickable and flippable cards into the training.

Early years child development training

7 April 2023

Making a decision on links opening in a new tab

A history of how we decided to have links open in the same tab on Get school business information. This work was completed as part of sprint 0.

Get school business information

1 May 2023

A dashboard for professional users

We’ve designed a dashboard to show users a list of connection requests they’ve sent. We’ve considered the search, sort and filter options we provide to help users find a connection request.

Connect families to support

26 April 2023

Making error messages more consistent

Making error messages consistent so users who make a mistake understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

Record concerns and support for trusts

23 May 2023

Sponsored conversions vs. the task list

Adding the latest feature involved a bit more work than we anticipated.

Prepare conversions and transfers

14 June 2023

Improve ways of working

We were able to use the start of the post-MVP phase to address and improve our ways of working (WoW).

'Find a tuition partner' lessons learnt

3 July 2023

Making it easier for users to understand a funding allocation change

We’ve improved the variance indicator feature that draws users’ attention to funding allocation changes. We wanted to make its purpose really clear, and it needed to be accessible to all users.

Manage Your Education and Skills Funding (MYESF)

15 September 2023

Improving the training progress bar component

We looked at ways which we could improve the initial progress bar component and connected user experience.

Early years child development training

30 November 2023

Design options for the recommendation page format

As work continues there a concern has arisen that the size of the typical recommendation may lead to issues for users.

STS Plan technology for your school

4 July 2024

Accessibility and general improvements

During July 2020, Destek performed an accessibility audit for the Apply to become an academy service.

Apply to become an academy

22 February 2022

Accessibility issue - Missing notifications

Fixing an issue with the way users are notified about an action.

Apply to become an academy

1 March 2022

Simplifying the general annual grant (GAG) statement journey

We’re acting on user feedback to make MYESF’s statement comparison functionality easier to find and use.

Manage Your Education and Skills Funding (MYESF)

31 January 2024

Redesigning the ‘panellist portal’

We made a prototype of a redesigned panellist portal to address known user pain points and accessibility issues.

Refer serious misconduct by a teacher in England

8 February 2024

Meaningful page titles

Good page titles help with orientation and can be really useful for users of adaptive technology.

Apply to become an academy

2 March 2022

Accessibility issue - Duplicate links

Multiple links with the same name on a page is confusing for screen reader users, the page will need to be redesigned so links are clearly defined.

Apply to become an academy

2 March 2022

Accessibility issue - Upload component

The accessibility audit found 2 issues with the service's file upload function: no notifications when a file was successfully uploaded and no information on accepted file types.

Apply to become an academy

3 March 2022

UI improvement - Add component to request feedback

Having the feedback component as part of the footer interrupts the flow of the service. Replacing this with a feedback page at the end of the application allows the user to give detailed feedback on the experience as a whole.

Apply to become an academy

9 March 2022

Ensuring page titles are accessible

Many of the page titles in RSD’s digital products have duplicate, misleading or overly long names. This causes confusion for users, particularly for those using screen readers.

Apply to become an academy

25 June 2024