What we changed

  • We updated the flow to ask about users confidence in prorement
  • We added a question around any special requirements for the user / technology they used.
  • We are asking the user about their procurement value
  • Users without a DfE signin can still access the service

Why we changed this

We are using this as a starting point when referencing the support query flow.

How it works

Users can signin or access support without a signin. We ask for details about their procurement, value and also about their confidence and special requirements. At the end of the support request the user will be given a case number, a templated email response and the case will be reviewed and triaged by the proc ops team.

Further considerations

We need to look at the triage process for proc ops and whether we need more info at this stage and if we can ask for less now and collect the required information another way.


Support query 01

Support query 02

Support query 03

Support query 04

Support query 05

Support query 06

Support query 07

Support query 08

Support query 09

Support query 10

Support query 11

Support query 01


Support query 02


Support query 03


Support query 04


Support query 05


Support query 06


Support query 07


Support query 08


Support query 09


Support query 10


Support query 11
