Energy information

What we changed

  • Added the notification component on the start page to point to the latest guidance
  • Added a standalone page with the latest guidanace
  • Added an interruption page displaying the guidance

Why we changed this

We know that schools are worried about rising energy costs and more cases are coming to proc ops focusing on energy. We have been given guidance on what we can tell schools and we wanted to make sure this information is easy to find and that any schools wanting help with an energy contract will see the guidance in advance of changing their contract.

How it works

The notification compoenent will direct users to a standalone page that contains the latest guidance. The interruption page will appear when users select that they are looking for an energy framework. We interrupt their journey at this point. We are trying to reduce the number of places where the same content appears.

Further considerations

There is an assumption that we may not need the interruption page. We should test a version with standard body copy rather than the blue background as the difference between several pages of radios and then one of larger body copy may cause users to pause and read.


Benefits of using a framework

How frameworks are selected

After you have used the service

What are you buying

What services do you need

Energy interruption

Benefits of using a framework


How frameworks are selected


After you have used the service


What are you buying


What services do you need


Energy interruption
