The opportunity

We want to ensure all our services are compliant accessibility requirements, which is why we are thinking of ways to help our teams create and maintain compliant accessibility statements.

To solve this problem, we are building a service that will help users easily create and maintain accurate accessibility, so that people don't forget to put information in them.

The history of the project and what we are looking to achieve

In the past we have created a prototype for the service using Figma and Lucid. During a meeting, we have had people look at the prototype and give feedback on what could be improved.

Preparing for UR

Before conducting the interviews, we did a user research workshop with a senior user researcher to work out what we wanted to find out. After that, we then got together to create a discussion guide for the interviews and consent forms. Then, we had them reviewed by the same user researcher.

User research

We interviewed 4 different people. A product manager, project manager, senior content designer and a content designer. We found out how different teams manage their accessibility in their services.

Conclusions made

We discovered that a lot of people struggle to create accessibility statements due to lack of guidance. We also discovered that it wasn’t a specific role that made accessibility statements and that it was a lot of different roles that did.

We also discovered that people used templates to create accessibility statements. Related to that we discovered that people aren’t sure what you can and can’t edit in those statements which creates a lot of confusion.

Finalising the prototype

We used the conclusions made from the UR to help with creating the prototype. We made changes to the layout which made the service easier to navigate and more convenient for the user. For example, we moved the “you need to complete an audit” to the start of the service. We did this so that users don’t waste time.

Next steps

Next, we are going to organise some more user research interviews (usability testing and interviewing potential users) to help us understand who our users are and what they need and don’t need for the service. We will use the feedback from usability testing to improve the service. We will also be meeting with a BA to organize tasks for the team.

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Accessibility User research