Changing categories

Under the category ‘Caring for your child: sleep, food, health and more’, we made this list of sub categories shorter (to include services only). We added ‘vaccinations and immunisations’ - based on desk research of what a family hub might offer this age group.

Being clear

We removed mentions of ‘support’ as a noun, for example ‘family hubs offer support’, as team members felt it was vague and unclear.

We redrafted content about family hubs to make it clearer, including information about what ages family hubs support as well as examples of services, and locations.

We decided not to test text that would pre-warn users not all services will be available to all (for example that they may have to get professional referrals for some services). The team felt this was not needed, at least not yet.

Focusing on our users

We changed content to focus on Salford, not Devon, due to doing user research with Salford local authorities.

Developing the 'bad journey'

We developed the 'bad journey' wording further and added links on key pages to other key pages.

The error message when the search returns no results now says:

Not seeing anything suitable in your area? Try searching again with a wider radius, or contact your nearest family hub or children's centre, who can help.

It has links so users can search again, or read advice on common issues.