The previous design did not allow users to change answers, fix errors or try again.

Allow users to try again

When there is no automatic match, there might be an easy fix that would enable a match. For example – a typo in their date of birth, or an abbreviated name.

In this design we:

  • highlight the common causes of errors
  • ask them to give their National Insurance number if they have not
  • create an action that goes back to the Check answers screen
  • reinstate the Back link, which also returns to the Check answers screen

When trying again is not right

Sometimes trying again isn’t the right thing to do, for example if all the answers appear correct to the user, and there’s no obvious thing to change or fix. Or if they’ve already tried a couple of times to no avail.

In this scenario there are two ways out:

  1. Directly submit their information using a support ticket, and get a response within 5 days
  2. Or call the phone line for immediate support

Playing back details

An alternative design includes a playback of the given answers – this could be helpful in finding problems. However the user has just come from a very similar page, and by including these details again the page is perhaps doing too much.

We should see how both of these designs perform in user research.


We could not find your TRN


We could not find your TRN (expanded)


Alternative design with playback of given details


Previous design
