Posts by this team

Redirecting Employer Access

We needed to redirect certain users of the outgoing Employer Access to Check a teacher’s record or Check the children’s barred list.

Check a teacher's record

28 June 2024

Showing what users searched for when there are no results

We decided to show the last name and date of birth which a user searched for when they get no results.

Check a teacher's record

27 March 2024

Showing when a search was made

We decided to show when a search was made so users would have evidence that they'd done a check.

Check a teacher's record

26 March 2024

Using tags to summarise a teacher’s status

We've introduced summary tags to show teaching status, induction status and restrictions based on user feedback.

Check a teacher's record

25 March 2024

Telling users how to check information not in a teacher’s record

We’ve added headings for QTLS and section 128 to the sign in page with short descriptions and links to where users can find more information.

Check a teacher's record

20 November 2023

Showing teachers’ middle and previous last names

We're displaying middle names and previous last names in search results and teacher records to help users identify the correct teacher.

Check a teacher's record

15 November 2023

Removing the tag showing that someone has teaching restrictions

We removed the restrictions tag from search results and teacher records to avoid confusion and reduce the amount of sensitive information we show.

Check a teacher's record

10 November 2023

Removing the tag showing that someone has no teaching restrictions

We removed the no restrictions tag from search results and teacher records to avoid confusion among users.

Check a teacher's record

4 October 2023

Telling users more about the service before they sign in

We changed the sign in page so that it tells users what they need to enter when searching and what types of restrictions are included in a teacher’s record.

Check a teacher's record

3 October 2023

Changing the email inviting people to use the service

We’ve changed the email so that it no longer mentions that a teacher’s record will say if they’re on the children’s barred list.

Check a teacher's record

3 October 2023

Inviting people to use the service

We're sending an email to all users of Employer Access who work for teacher supply agencies inviting them to use the service.

Check a teacher's record

6 September 2023

Telling users what the service does

We added content to the service sign in page telling users what they can use the service for.

Check a teacher's record

11 August 2023

Collecting feedback from users

We've added a link to the phase banner which allows users to give feedback on the service.

Check a teacher's record

11 August 2023

Only allowing users to search by name and date of birth

We updated the search function so that users only have to perform a single search by name and date of birth.

Check a teacher's record

22 May 2023

Searching restricted teachers by name

We added a search box which searches the restricted list by name.

Check a teacher's record

10 May 2023

Combining the restricted teacher lists into one

We combined the 4 separated restricted lists into one based on research with agencies.

Check a teacher's record

10 May 2023

A more basic redesign of the service

We’ve designed a more basic version that works similarly to the existing service while we plan research.

Check a teacher's record

25 April 2023

First redesign of the service

Our first redesign of the service included changing the name, allowing TRN searches, filtering by restricted teachers and by organisation, adding a teacher to an organisation and simplifying the content.

Check a teacher's record

28 March 2023

Searching the DBS barred list

The TRA standalone check service allows certain organisations to check if individuals have no active barring imposed on them.

Check a teacher's record

21 July 2022

School employment check portal

The Employer Access school portal lets users maintain a list of teachers and add and remove teachers from a list.

Check a teacher's record

19 April 2022

Organisation employment check portal

The Employer Access organisation portal includes a teacher lookup using TRN and date of birth, lists of people with teaching restrictions, and a page showing an individual teacher’s details.

Check a teacher's record

4 April 2022