We recently redesigned the service.
But we’ve not been able to arrange research. And without research we’re not confident to start development.
So in the meantime, we’ve designed a more basic version that works similarly to the existing service.
This allows us to start development while we run research.
How it works
Finding a teacher by teacher reference number (TRN)
When the user signs in, they’ll see a search form.
If the TRN is valid it will take the user to the record.
If the TRN is invalid it will take the user to a page saying the record was not found.
Viewing teachers in your organisation
Teachers that have been added to the user’s organisation are shown below the search form.
If the user clicks on a teacher, it’ll take the user to the record.
Viewing teachers on restricted lists
4 restricted lists of teachers are shown at the bottom.
If the user clicks one of the restricted lists, they’ll be taken to a page showing a list of teachers with that restriction. For example, if a teacher has failed their probation or induction.
We removed the ‘Teachers sanctioned in other EEA member states’ list because it’s no longer needed.
We also renamed the lists to make them clearer.