In our previous design we asked:

  • have you been awarded QTS
  • where did you get your QTS

These questions exclude users who were awarded their QTS in another way. Other ways include:

  • assessment only routes
  • professional recognition routes (for example teachers converting their international teaching qualifications to QTS)

Iterated design

We have split the design across two pages. We still ask if they have been awarded QTS, this question and wording has tested well. But now there is no conditional element to the question – we do not immediately ask where they got it.

On the following page we instead ask if their QTS was awarded by a university, SCITT or school.

If they answer yes, then we ask who awarded it. If there is no training provider then they can still continue.

We need to see how the wording of this new pages tests.


Have you been awarded QTS?


Did a university, SCITT or school award it?


Check answers: No QTS


Check answers: With QTS and training provider


Check answers: With QTS but no training provider
