Asking for a previous name can be a sensitive topic. We’ve made the previous name question more inclusive.

Changes are based on designs that Register to vote use.

Users do not need to answer

A previous name helps us find a match, but it is not required. Users can now choose, ‘prefer not to say’.

We’ve also made it clear what we use a previous name for. We use it to find a match only if their current name did not.

Multiple names

People can have multiple previous names.

We’ve added guidance about which one to use (their most recent previous name).

When a name changed

The language asking about previous names has been made simpler.

Rather than trying to think if their name had changed since they got their TRN (“when did that happen?”), instead we ask more simply, “have you ever changed your name”.


Previous name – in Find a lost TRN


Previous name – in Get an identity to access Teacher Services


Previous design


Register to vote design


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