Delivery officers fed back that within the school budget information section of our task list, the labels current financial year and next financial year are not specific enough and could cause confusion.

A table of current and projected revenue and capital.

The Apply to become an academy (A2B) form submitted by schools explains what the current and next financial years are, which we don't pull into conversions projects.

A table of current and projected revenue and capital.

Creating a design

We created a prototype design to pull in the current and next financial year from the A2B form. We also removed the financial day and month (31 March) from each subsequent table row to avoid repetition.

A table of school budget information. It includes the end of current and end of next financial year, and the forecasted revenue and capital for both years.

We added Change links to End of current / next financial year to be consistent with the other rows on this page that had Change links.

Forecasted revenue and capital carry forward at the end of the current and next financial years.

Next steps

We’ll monitor user feedback about this page and iterate accordingly.