The COVID-19 pandemic affected key stage performance data in 2 ways:

  1. There is no 2019/2020 data
  2. There is some 2020/2021 data but it’s mostly limited to local authority data

Meanwhile in user research, a delivery officer (DO) reported that the most recent key stage data hadn’t been pulled through to their project from Find and compare school performance (now called Find school and college performance data in England).

The DO could see performance data for 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18. However, more recent data from 2018-19 was available on Find and compare school performance.

A table of key stage 4 performance results. It has 3 columns of academic year data: 2018 to 2019, 2018 to 2019 and 2015 to 2016.

As a workaround, the DO downloaded the project template and added the more recent data manually. However, we needed to pull-in the latest key stage data to meet this user need:

“As a DO, I need to have a holistic picture of the transferring academy and trust they are joining so that I can understand if they are a good match”

What we did

We made several improvements to our key stage 2, 4 and 5 pages:

  1. Advised users that there’s no 2019/20 data and 2020/21 data is limited. We used an inset text component for this message as it’s not essential to users completing the task.
  2. Pulled in the latest available key stage data

Before A page called key stage 2 performance tables. It includes the phrase "this information comes from TRAMS".

AfterA page called key stage 2 performance tables. It includes the phrases "this information comes from Find and compare schools in England" and "there is no 2019 to 2020 key stage data because of the pandemic. 2020 to 2021 data is limited".

Next steps

We’ll get feedback from DOs on the new content in user research sessions.