Internal users need to be in an Azure Active Directory group to use the Prepare conversions and transfers service.

If a user visits our service who isn't in the group, we should tell them they don't have access and explain how they can get it. This is to provide a joined-up experience across all channels.

Desk research

We checked the Design System to see if there's a you don't have access (YDHA) pattern cross-government.

When we couldn't find one, we asked the DfE content community if anyone has created a YDHA page. We received content from the following services:

  • Register trainee teachers
  • Manage your education and skills funding

A page with a h1 You do not have permission to perform this action. In the register trainee teachers service. A page with a h1 You do not have access. In the Manage your education and skills funding service.

Creating a design

Using our desk research findings, we created a prototype and shared this with our developers. The hyperlink on the page links to a Microsoft Form so users request access to the Active Directory group.

A page with a h1 You do not have access to this service. In the Prepare conversions and transfer service.

We also contributed to the access denied pattern on GitHub.

Next steps

  1. (Once we've received the Microsoft Form) Add the YDHA content to our build and ensure we provide a joined-up experience.
  2. Work with the Head of Design to create a YDHA pattern cross-DfE.