What we changed

We added:

  • links within the email message screen to add attachments from different sources
  • checkboxes alongside each file on the Email attachments and Case files screens, so that they can be selected
  • an ‘Attach files’ call-to-action on these screens so that the selected files can be attached to an email message

Why we changed this

Proc Ops case workers often need the ability to upload and save files from other sources onto their CMS. We created a feature that allows these saved files to be attached to email messages, so case workers won’t have to find work-a-rounds, and they can attach these files directly from within the CMS.

How it works

When a new email message is created, the case worker may select a saved file from the CMS to attach to the email by:

  • selecting the source
  • selecting one or more files from that source
  • selecting the ‘Attach files’ call-to-action

Further considerations

  • For efficiency, we could combine the email attachments and case file tabs. This will mean that all saved files will be shown on one screen.
  • Include filters, sort and a search box to help case workers narrow down the files they are looking for.
  • Pagination may be needed as the file list on these screens can become very long.


Select email attachment call to action

Select files to attach to email message

Selected files are attached to message

Select the email attachments call to action

Select Email attachments

Select files to attach the email message

Select file to attach

Selected files are attached to message

6dad.png)Files are attached to message

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