Every page we create should have a ‘title tag’ within its code.

They can tell a user’s screen reading software which page they are on whenever they highlight its tab in their browser.

The problem

An audit found that the title tags used in the Apply to become an academy service were the same for every page.

To make matters worse, what they said wasn’t helpful.

A screenshot of a page title on Apply to Become an Academy. The page title is A2C-GOV.UK

The current text shown in a browser tab.

Action required

Each of the service’s title tags should be updated so that they describe what the page is about.

Our solution

We wanted to be consistent with what our colleagues in the other teams have done - presenting the page name followed by the name of the service.

Other SDD services use titles like ‘Home - Manage an academy transfer’

What we wanted to do

We hoped that we could use a script to take the main heading from each page, combine it with the name of the service and replace the existing text in the tag with the result.

Unfortunately, many of our headings were not descriptive and would make poor page titles.

What we decided to do

Fixing all of the existing page headings would need to be done as part of bigger service redesign.

So instead we chose to draw up a list of temporary replacement tags for each page.

Not all of the page headings and title tags would match, but the service would be easier to navigate with screen reading technology.

We decided to draw up a list of replacement titles.

A screenshot of a spreadsheet of potential page titles

Why we chose this approach

  1. This was an accessibility issue that needed to be resolved quickly.
  2. Any alteration to a page’s heading would be a waste of time if the page was later removed or reworked as part of ongoing design changes.

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Content design Accessibility