The current TSSP lets users get their qualification certificates, view their qualification status and update their personal details. The first iteration of redesigning the service is to use the GDS design system components, patterns and styles to replicate the current functionality.

We also addressed the common issues users experience with the current TSSP.

Problems with the current TSSP

To inform the first design iteration, we spoke with TRA support staff and teachers with some experience of using the TSSP.

We discovered that on the name update journey, users regularly used the ‘other information’ field despite there being fields to enter their updated name. These fields were also pre-populated with their existing name, meaning users do not realise they need to update their name here. This causes updates to be rejected.

Support staff told us there was no indication in the TSSP of the maximum file size accepted for evidence until the user tried to upload it. We also found that certain information was redacted for security reasons.

Teachers thought the current TSSP was ‘clunky’ to use and suggested that it does not look ‘official’.

Teachers appeared not to know what else they could do on the TSSP and said that signposting was not clear.

The changes we made


We split the account homepage into qualifications and account details pages to lessen the burden - the user can tab between the 2 pages, depending on what they need.

They can view their qualifications and access their certificates from the qualifications page.


In the account details page, they can view their personal and contact details and update them from here.


Update name

In the update name journey, we:

  • removed the pre-population of their name
  • playback the name we currently have for them
  • split the update over 2 pages - first for name, second for evidence
  • provided more specific guidance for evidence
  • removed the optional information field

We also removed the salutation fields but are monitoring feedback on professional salutations.



Update date of birth

We applied the same changes to the update date of birth flow. By removing the pre-population, removing the additional information field and by playing back the current information, we expect a reduction in failure demand around updating names and dates of birth.



Update National Insurance number, email and phone number

We do not require evidence for these pieces of information, so we have created simple user journeys. We’ve also taken the redaction out as we build a more secure service.


Confirmation of changes

In each of the update flows, we give the user the opportunity to review what they’ve told us and to confirm the update


We also display a confirmation banner on the homepage once an update has been made. TRA support staff have to check the evidence for name and date of birth updates, so we added status tags on the homepage to these fields.


Email notifications

The TSSP sends email notifications to users to accept, confirm and reject updates. We re-wrote these to make them shorter and easier to read.


Feedback from user testing

Participants told us that the new design is user-friendly, easy to understand and clear.

On the email notifications, they told us they wanted to know the reason why an update had been rejected, not just that it had been rejected.

For future iterations, they’d want to see additional information, like pensions, employment history, teaching-related CPD qualifications and other training they’ve done on the service.