Service designer: Kelly Millward

Content designer: Ivy Halstead-Dawber

We have been working on a new name for the TSI so that the name accurately describes the service.

At the moment, the service is for colleagues working in DfE teams to add new information and change or edit the information about services and tasks that we use on DfE Connect.

Workshop 1

To start the process, we held a full team workshop and completed 3 main activities:

  • offer activity: this involved everyone listing all the 'things' we think will be available in the internal service and then voting on what the main offering is so we could align and agree what it is that we're naming
  • verb activity: for this activity, we pulled out the verbs we could see in the previous activity and then listed any other verbs we thought people might type into a search bar to find our service which helps us follow service manual guidance on naming your service
  • namestorm activity: in this last activity, we drafted names using the verbs and descriptions from the first 2 activities

We ended the workshop with a final vote of our favourites from the namestorming activity. A few winners came from this voting which really helped us iterate and shortlist later on.

Look at the workshop 1 board on Lucid.

Language we wanted to avoid

There were a few points we wanted to be aware of and words to avoid that we discussed and kept in mind when ideating.

These were:

  • publish - we would not expect DfE teams to publish their own content for DfE Connect without this being reviewed by a content designer. We therefore decided it was best to avoid the word 'publish' so that it does not give the impression that services will publish anything straight to DfE Connect.
  • task - even though DfE Connect lists tasks for school business professionals (SBPs), we have found that this word is not used internally so we decided it was best not to use it in the name.

Workshop 2

In the second workshop, we shortlisted the long list of names that came from the first workshop.

We iterated the names using the feedback and language to avoid until we collectively chose 4 names to take forward.

Screenshot of naming workshop board

Final agreement on the name

We then met with our senior leadership team (SLT) to talk through the 4 potential names and there was a clear favourite in the group. As such, the name was signed off there and then.

We also presented the name to our depty directors (DDs) who were very happy with the name we had decided on as a team.

User research

We decided that user research to choose a name was not needed in the first instance as the service is for internal DfE staff only and links so heavily to DfE Connect which had several rounds of user research.

However, once we have some prototypes for the service, we will be able to test the name in context of the service and the activities that DfE teams will use it for. At that point, we can iterate and amend the name if we find that it does not describe the service well enough.

View a summary of DfE Connect naming research.

New name

The new name we have agreed is:

Manage your DfE Connect data

Homepage for manage my DfE Connect data

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Naming Service design Content design