At the moment, the eligibility flow has the following questions:

  • Do they carry out unsupervised teaching work?
  • Were they employed in England at the time the alleged misconduct took place?
  • Does the allegation involve serious misconduct?

If the user selects “I’m not sure” to any of these questions” the text “If you’re not sure, you should continue to make a referral and the TRA will assess it” is conditionally revealed.

This was flagged as an accessibility issue in an internal audit. Additionally:

  • hint text should be shown before selection in order to help users understand the meaning
  • we do not have research that shows this content is useful

So we decided to remove this text.


Do they carry out unsupervised teaching work?


Were they employed in England at the time the alleged misconduct took place?


Does the allegation involve serious misconduct?


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User experience Interaction design