What we did

Until recently, when using Prepare conversions and transfers, it was only possible to create projects for voluntary conversions.

Voluntary conversion projects contain:

  • Information provided by schools that want to become academies and have applied using the Apply to become an academy service.
  • Performance and other data from places like GIAS (Get Information About Schools) and TRAMS (Trust and Academies Managment Service).
  • Additional notes and information added by an internal user.

The top part of the a project list page with button displaying the label 'Start a new sponsored conversion project'

Sponsored conversions don't start out as an application form, so much of the information needed for the conversion has to be entered by the internal user.

Once the school and trust details have been provided we can pull in the performance data.

A screen asking a user to say which school is involved in a sponsored conversion

A user can generate a project template as they would with a voluntary conversion once they have:

  • Worked their way through the task list.
  • Created a new trust template in KIM or updated an existing one.
  • Added any notes or comments.

The task list from a sponsored conversion project

Why we did it

We needed to provide a way for our users to create projects when DAO (Directive Academy Orders) have been issued - these are otherwise known as sponsored conversions.

Conversions of this type are not applied for, meaning all of the required information has to be provided by an internal user.

What next

Nothing we've uncovered from conversations with users or SMEs has suggested that we need to capture much additional data beyond what we've used on the voluntary convertion designs, but there is always a chance something has been overlooked.

We intend to keep a close eye on any feedback relating to this feature and make iterative changes if data suggests we need to.