Referrers can upload files that contain viruses.

To prevent caseworkers from opening files with viruses we’ve added functionality to check each file before it’s included in the referral.

How it works

If the zip file contains a file that’s currently being checked, the file will be:

  • empty
  • renamed to [name-of-file]-file-being-checked-for-viruses.[extension].txt

If the zip file contains a file that’s been removed, the file will be:

  • empty
  • renamed to [name-of-file]-file-removed-due-to-suspected-virus.[extension].txt

If the user clicks on the file while this is happening, they’ll be taken to a page that says the file is being scanned.

If the user clicks on a file that’s been removed, they’ll be taken to a page that says the file has been removed.

Further considerations

If we find that a significant number of referrals include removed files, we’ll consider ways to prevent referrers from sending their referral with removed files.


File being checked


File removed


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