Our users work for voluntary and community sector organisations. Through our service, they receive requests from professionals to support families. They must then decide whether to accept the request and contact the family to offer support, or to decline.

Our design question was: How might we let VCS organisations know they have received a new request in a way that keeps the family’s details secure inside the service?

Notification emails

We will use Notify to send emails. To protect families' data, we will not include any personal identifiable information in emails. The data will stay inside the service. Instead, emails will refer to the reference number for the connection request, because this is anonymised.

The email content is:

Subject: New connection request [reference number]

New connection request [reference number]

[Name of service] has received a new connection request.

View connection request [reference number] on Manage connection requests.

The last sentence in the email content above is a link.

We will test this email with users to see if it meets their need.