All conditions met

All conditions met is a phrase that users use to refer to the status of a conversion.

The conversion must have reached this point before it can convert.

For a project to have met all conditions a user must make sure that:

  • all legal documents have been cleared
  • all legal documents have been signed
  • the school have confirmed all their actions are complete

Exceptions to the rule

There are some exceptions to this, depending on the circumstances of a particular project.

Sometimes DfE can choose to do what they call "proceed at risk". This means they carry on as if the school will convert on time on the understanding that any outstanding tasks or actions are minor and will be completed very soon.

Why all conditions met is important

All conditions must be met before funding can be prepared and released.

Being able to enter this information and present it to the people who use it in the funding teams can help remove some of the workarounds and spreadsheets that users have created.

Indicating all conditions have been met

Previously the task for all conditions met was a simple checklist that gave guidance to the delivery officer or caseworker to email other people to confirm things had happened.

Users had to tick the box to say an action had been done, like they had confirmed that school had done all the things they needed to do.

The user still then had to use spreadsheets, emails and other workarounds to let the funding team know that all conditions had been met.

A screenshot of the all conditions met task

Now the task is more useful.

Rather than emailing the funding team with confirmation that all conditions have been met and then ticking the task off, users can enter the information directly.

A screenshot of the all conditions met task when users can enter information

That is then shared with the funding teams through information in the list of academies opening for the relevant month.

A table showing information about what stage each project is up to and when it is due to convert to an academy

What we'll do next

The functionality is in the application now, but it will not immediately be used on a large scale.

Use will increase as the conversion projects that are in the product progress to the point at which the all conditions met task is done. We will then start to get user feedback on the task.

We anticipate this will increase as more conversion projects are added to the product.

We'll learn more and iterate based on that feedback as the use increases.

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