Based on our first research findings, we iterated our 2 eligibility and document preparation prototypes for further testing.

Prioritised changes were:

  • adding the new ‘1-2 years professional experience’ eligibility criteria
  • a range of content tweaks across both prototypes

We tested these iterations with 6 users from 4 countries. Of those participants, 1 had been through the existing process, and 5 were from soon-to-be-eligible countries.

Key learnings

Key findings about journeys supported and built on those from the previous round. Most teachers had better understanding of their eligibility and preferred the guided eligibility checker prototype because it led to a reduced number of documents to provide.

However, the guided approach prototype as it stands, does not offer much context and users felt this was useful in the generic guidance prototype. The content tweaks reduced questions about eligibility criteria but some content issues still remained.

Still many queries from teachers of how they could satisfy the new eligibility criteria - further evidence provided to the policy team. Users felt that providing references to demonstrate 1-2 years professional teaching experience was reasonable.


The guided approach helped teachers better understand their eligibility and what documents were needed, and could be improved by including some content of context from the generic prototype.

Teachers are individuals and will come to this service with many unique scenarios so no design approach will cover them all. An ability to customise responses will be needed.

We still need to iterate and test the content around the eligibility criteria, particularly related to professional standing.

Carried forward: new criteria is still confusing for teachers, particularly around exemptions for English language proficiency and maths (and science) school level qualifications. The policy team is looking at these.


Eligibility - teaching experience


Start page old


Start page new


Teacher training old


Teacher training new


Eligibility age range old


Eligibility age range new


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User research Teachers