Content: Ivy Halstead-Dawber

Policy: Tony Leavy, Matthew Pearce

Interaction Designer: Steve O'Connor

So apparently the DfE have their own header! As this is a DfE service we obviously need to make use of that for the TSI (and DfE Connect). So we did. We also added a link to the recently set up service insights in Power BI.

A screenshot of the header for TSI using the DfE dark blue style.

A whole new home screen dashboard

At this stage the tasks go through an approval process and so the policy team needed to be able to see what was happening with tasks in that process. We considered tagging tasks with their status in a single table, but we realised that would very quickly become unweildy. The best way to highlight tasks was the have them in seperate sections.

A screenshot of the TSI homepage dashboard

Updated task details page

To this page we added:

  • the task name as the page title
  • the current status tag and a link to change status
  • a link to view task history (audit trail)
  • an action within the task card to edit details.

We also switched the cards so that the task details were the most prominent.

A screenshot showing the second version of the TSI task details page.

Added status update screens

Most of the status updates required user intervention. For each we created screens with more descriptive content to ensure they understood what the change meant.

A screenshot of a TSI task status update screen.