This week we have been making rapid process as we did our first round of user research. We have spent time joining up with the new 'Central Content' team and done some experimental thinking about Information Architecture. James, our Content Designer started our content audit to boot as well! We’ve also welcomed a new team member in Udaya who is a Business Analyst. She has been getting her teeth into the project and getting herself up to speed.

User Research

For our first round of user research we wanted to identify

  • When interacting with the cyber standards - do schools have knowledge gaps? Questions? Did they have to ask anyone/find the answers elsewhere?
  • What are the current positive and negative behaviours around improving cyber security in schools?
  • What are the motivations for a user using our cyber standards?
  • Do schools receive any support around achieving standards/improving cyber security currently?
  • What is the current behaviour of how schools use standards and why they would use them?
  • What do users do after using/reading the standards?

We also did some accessibility research, the questions we wanted to answer were

  • Is how the content is currently presented for cyber standards accessible and navigable?
  • What are the experiences of people with accessibility needs when reading content on websites?

As well as user interviews, we tested some concepts of types of self-serve content that could support schools in meeting standards. These helped us to dig more into some of the questions above and understand schools needs around self-serve content.

Aman and Amelia have been busy conducting interviews this week to answer the above questions. They have analysed the findings and done an initial playback in our delivery team. They continue to work on our analysis to share further and inform our next steps into sprint 2. But some the concepts we have tested around what sort of content might help our users definitely have legs, which is good news!

Next week we intend to use the research to help us understand what content gaps we have and start thinking about our second round of research too!

Joining things up

We've been working with the Central Content Team to understand the order in which content is needed and establish how the process of content creation will work across teams. More to come in this space.

We've also joined up briefly with the Plan Tech content designers to understand their information architecture structure so that we can start aligning our thinking with theirs. This has also helped us get an idea of self-serve content might support both Plan Tech and Standards.

We continue to think about how content could be scaled to fit into different services or be surfaced in the right place at the right time, a reocurring theme in our project.

Content audit

We have started plotting out the content audit based on the Cyber Standards. Next week, we will hone this further as we use learnings and user needs found from our first round of user research to inform what self-serve content is required for each standard. From here we will be able to identify gaps and use this as a spring board for ideas.

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