We started this week with a sprint review, in which we brought together our findings and agreed areas for further exploration in the next sprint. For more detail, see our previous blog post.

Reflections on Sprint 1, combined with conversations with our Service Owner about the scope of this Alpha, led to a shift in focus for the team. To reflect this we decided to work up two goals for Sprint 2 - one focussed on the Self Serve product/capability and the other on Alpha itself.


  1. Refine our understanding of what content will support users to take action to improve their cyber security
  2. Set clear expectations for what is to be delivered at the end of Alpha

Acceptance Criteria for Goal 1:

  • We have redefined our hypotheses (amended existing and/or created new) based on sprint 1 findings
  • We have designed and tested multiple different ways of presenting actionable support/content to users (combining our solution ideas with the Content SMEs' list of cyber topics)
  • We have gained insight from low maturity users on the types of content that are useful in helping them to implement, and communicate about, cyber security
  • We have gained insight on the accessibility of the concepts tested with users
  • We have expanded upon the 'layers of advice' concept (James' circle diagram) by aligning it to 'stages of thinking'
  • We have finalised the content audit structure and applied it to the cyber theme
  • We have started to explore the commonalities between the cyber theme and other themes

Acceptance Criteria for Goal 2:

  • We have aligned delivery expectations and ways of working between our team and the central content team
  • We have defined and visualised Alpha success measures and milestones

The team broke these goals down into tasks and engaged with SMEs Heather Hadfield, Heather Toomey and Sharon Garrett to discuss the approach to testing.

We then took a day out... for the Schools Portfolio Winter Away Day. This was a great opportunity to meet up in person and to build our understanding of where/how Self Serve fits in the wider programme. This served to highlight in more detail the crossovers between workstreams, and the challenges we’re all facing to align roles, responsibilities and expectations.

Back in the (virtual) office… we set about preparing for our next round of user research, which starts at 09:00 Monday morning!

  • We clarified our research questions, which focus on understanding how schools are currently acting (or how they will act) on improving their cyber security, what barriers exist around capability, opportunity and motivation for schools improve their cyber security and what self-serve content could alleviate some of these barriers.
  • We created a UR plan, a standard discussion guide and an accessibility-focussed discussion guide
  • And we created a prototype for self serve content relating to ransomware attacks, pulling on what we know about Cyber Standards and Plan Tech recommendations, as well as content created by the Sector Cyber Team. Screenshot 2023-01-20 at 16.45.45.png

Features within the prototype can be directly linked back to user needs, which will enable us to

  1. Validate that the need exists
  2. Determine whether this content meets the need

Next week we will be busy conducting and synthesising research, alongside working with teams across the programme to align roles, responsibilities and delivery expectations.

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