Week commencing 05 Dec 2022

What we've been up to

The team was plagued with winter bugs last week but despite this took some good steps forward...

  • Continued to build up our understanding of the problem space by speaking with other teams, reviewing existing research and attending show & tell sessions

  • School Account show & tell was very useful, highlighting lots of interesting connections and possible dependencies.

  • Worked closely with the Plan Tech team to understand more about what kind of support might be most appropriate, when in their service, and sitting in on their Alpha Assessment, which provided some great insight.

  • Worked with stakeholders to scope the edges of our work, and improve clarity around needs, expectations and dependencies across the programme.

  • Looked at how we can use Google Analytics to analyse content published on Gov.uk, which is providing insight into how users search for content and navigate it.

  • Looked at what high-level requirements we can identify from our user needs and options for measuring these.

  • Started reaching out to other services in DfE that operate knowledge bases to see what we can learn about content structure and processes.

  • Generated ideas based on what we understand at the moment, including workshopping initial user journeys for accessing a self-serve capability and what that capability might include. The plan is to use what we developed as prompts and provocations, both within and without our immediate team, to help developing thinking.

Our plans for w/c 12 Dec 2022

  • Get more definition around the specific content areas we might test with (considering both current service and scalability perspectives).

  • Refine self-serve user needs and clearly document assumptions and questions we'd like to answer from research, enabling creation of a more specific UR plan that will allow us to gather the insight needed to (eventually) progress to Beta.

  • Build on initial workshop ideas with the immediate team, potentially fleshing them out and articulating implications and consequences.

  • Think about "tube map" diagram some more, in the light of recent conversations, considering whether some of the School Account work could be included.

  • Continue to work with other services in DfE that operate knowledge bases to see what we can learn about content structure and processes.

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