Free Schools Store (FSS)

FSS is the main source of data about free schools. This data is used by teams across DfE for tasks including:

  • project delivery
  • planning
  • financial forecasting
  • analysis
  • monitoring

Why we're replacing FSS

The existing code base is not supported and knowledge about it is limited. This makes it difficult and risky to make changes.

We also found in our discovery phase that:

  • the current FSS is a poor experience for users and is not accessible. This results in users not inputting all data needed in FSS
  • users want data to be more accurate and up to date

Our vision and hypotheses

Make opening free schools easier and more efficient by capturing reliable data to manage projects, track progress, and make informed decisions.

We think we can help achieve this vision by testing the following hypotheses in alpha:

  1. An improved workflow will help our users better manage their projects.
  2. We can save time for our users by only capturing data that is needed.
  3. Re-using Regional Services Division (RSD) code and architecture will make the new product easier to fix, maintain and improve for our users.
  4. Migrating existing data to a new location will remove the need for users' reliance on legacy products.
  5. We can save time for our users by auto-populating the new product with application form data.

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