The problem

The scope of the original discovery was broad, this resulted in gaps in its findings and produced recommendations that appeared to be more appropriate for a beta than an alpha phase.

Why we needed further discovery

During the inception period of alpha, we found that:

  • challenges were often rooted in upstream processes
  • multiple teams were addressing similar issues around ESFA’s communications and processes
  • a varied wide to narrow systemic approach was needed to identify and understand user pain points

To conduct an effective alpha, we needed:

  • clearer mapping and definition of end-to-end service journeys
  • more detail on user needs and how systematic issues affected them
  • an understanding of the interdependencies between ESFA services
  • to explore the different needs of single academy trusts and multi academy trusts

We needed a more comprehensive understanding of these complexities before we could begin identifying our riskiest assumptions.

What we did differently

Defined and focused our research scope

  • mapped the key user touchpoints in a team workshop
  • explored dependencies across ESFA services

Engaged users and stakeholders

  • conducted in person research with a wider range of users
  • held sessions with internal ESFA stakeholders and teams to understand information flows

Lessons learned

  • critical review of the discovery phase avoided design errors: exploring the roots of discovery recommendations helped us assess unverified assumptions and recommendations
  • an iterative discovery uncovered root causes: returning to discovery enabled a deeper understanding of systemic issues
  • involving users and stakeholders early clarified scope: active involvement ensured we understood problems and captured needs accurately

A rigorous critique of discovery and the recommendations which came out of discovery, identified a need to go beyond the statement of work to really understand the problem space. This identified gaps that could have led to a misaligned and isolated service.

What we learned in the additional discovery will help ensure we develop a user and business aligned service.

Next steps

The additional discovery has provided a solid foundation for improving ESFA communications.

Next, we will:

  • document and prioritise our riskiest assumptions
  • hold an ideation session to develop designs to test
  • prototype and test improvements to communications
  • engage users and stakeholders throughout development

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