Customer experience and design
Customer experience and design are a cross cutting team who focus on solving the biggest problems for our users in DfE.
The DesignOps team support designers across the department with tools, services and good design practice.
Education Estates
We support brilliant education and care outcomes through an education estate that is safe, sustainable, suitable, sufficiently sized and resilient.
ESFA Funding Service Delivery
Supporting the ESFA funding directorate to deliver £65bn of allocations, contracts and payments to schools, colleges and other education and training providers.
Get help buying for schools
How our service is changing to make it easier for schools to buy things.
National Tutoring Programme
The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) helps children catch-up with their learning.
Qualifications Funding Approval Unit
Approving qualifications for funding
Regional Services Division (RSD)
RSD helps schools to be part of strong academy trusts.
School Account
School Account team aims to make it easier for schools to get information from DfE while transforming how we deliver a joined-up service internally.
Schools Technology Services
Increasing digital maturity in the education sector by helping schools to plan, implement and use technology more effectively.
Supporting and Rewarding Teachers and Leaders
Making teaching a rewarding and enjoyable long-term sustainable career
Supporting children and families
Make sure every child has the best start in life, every family can access the support available to them, and those that work with Children and Families are set up for success.
Teacher Recruitment
Attracting, inspiring and supporting people to successfully apply for teacher training
Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA)
Regulating the teaching profession by dealing with cases of misconduct, keeping teacher records and awarding qualified teacher status.
T Levels R&C
T Levels Results & Certification
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Academies Accessibility Apprenticeships Architecture Branding Careers Carers Children Content design Data Delivery management Design Ops Development Directory service Discovery Early years Families Family hubs staff Filter component Form building Funding Interaction design Local authorities Mission Patch NamingStart your own design history
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