Services by this team

Engagement alpha

We're understanding how teams currently communicate and collaborate when operationalising and delivering new grants, and changing existing grants. We'll identify opportunities and make user-centred recommendations to enhance engagement.

Communicating funding alpha

Exploring how to simplify and consolidate funding information so finance teams at single academies and multi-academy trusts (MATs) can quickly manage budgets, track allocations and validate ESFA calculations with confidence and accuracy

Manage Your Education and Skills Funding (MYESF)

Local authorities and multi-academy trusts use MYESF to view their funding allocations and payments, sign documents and tell us about their subcontractors.

Funding and Contracting Service (FCS)

FCS allows internal users to deliver services for post-16 learning providers. The services include: creating and managing contracts and agreements; calculating and generating monthly payments; and processing funding claims and reconciliations.

Digital forms

Digital forms is a form builder service that allows non-developer users to design and build GDS-compliant forms. Working with a range of stakeholders, the service team deliver bespoke forms for collecting learning providers' grant assurance data.

Calculate Funding Service (CFS)

CFS is used to calculate or adjust accurate funding. It serves the needs of internal users such as ESFA Operational Excellence and other product teams delivering funding.

Funding Data Service (FDS)

FDS provides data to internal users who need to easily, quickly and reliably make allocations, calculations, contracts, statements and payments across the funding service.

Manage Allocations and Payments Service (MAPS)

MAPS is a new service that aims to automate payment authorisation and reconciliation processes for ESFA Funding Directorate.

Communicating allocations discovery

The scope for our discovery is to look at how we tell education providers (such as schools, academies, colleges and independent learning providers) how much funding they have been allocated, and when they will receive payments.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

Our problem statement is: how might we reduce the complexity and cost of establishing and running new grants?