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Add outgoing trust

A text field

Outgoing trust details

Screenshot of the page displaying the outgoing trust details

Add transferring academies

Screenshot of the page where users can select the transferring academies

Incoming trust branching

Screenshot of the page where users can state if an incoming trust has been identified

No incoming trust identified summary

Screenshot of the trust and academy details, where the incoming trust has not been identified

Add incoming trusts

Screenshot of the page where users can add the incoming trust name

Add more trusts

Screenshot of the page where users can add additional incoming trusts

Incoming trusts summary

Screenshot of the trust and academy details, where the incoming trust has been identified

Features of the the transfer top

Screenshot of the top of the page displaying the transfer features

Features of the transfer bottom

Screenshot of the bottom of the page displaying the transfer features

Transfer task list hidden

Screenshot of the transfer task list page, with the task details hidden

Transfer task list collapsed

Screenshot of the transfer task list page, with the task details shown

Task 2

Screenshot of task 2, 'tasks to carry out on the outgoing trust'

Task 3

Screenshot of task 3, 'tasks relating to the transferring academy'

Task 4

Screenshot of task 4, 'tasks relating to matching incoming trusts'

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