Posts by this team

Sprint 7 and beyond – Winding up and playing back

In our final sprint, we’ve been tying up our discovery by forming our final recommendations, finishing our reports and having our peer review. We also prepared handovers for people who will join the team for alpha.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

5 September 2024

Sprint 6 - User research with OpEx and bringing knowledge together

Notes from the sixth sprint of our discovery to identify ways to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering funding in the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

7 August 2024

Sprint 5 - Taking stock of what we've learnt

Notes from the fifth sprint of our discovery to identify ways to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering funding in the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

24 July 2024

Sprint 4 - Funding Policy Implementation user research and mapping

Notes from the fourth sprint of our discovery to identify ways to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering funding in the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

18 July 2024

Sprint 3- Mapping the journey, stakeholders and processes

Notes from the third sprint of our discovery to identify ways to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering funding in the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

26 June 2024

Sprint 2 - Refining our approach as we learn more

Notes from the second sprint of our discovery to identify ways to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering funding in the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

12 June 2024

Sprint 1 - Finding our feet

Notes from the first sprint of our discovery to identify ways to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering funding in the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

30 May 2024

What a discovery is and why we’re doing this discovery

An explanation of what a discovery is, why we do them, and why we're doing this discovery.

Improving onboarding grants discovery

19 May 2024