The current toolkit has 'Wellbeing and workload' as an area of workload, but in our research we found that users didn't see wellbeing as a part of workload, but something that workload reduction impacts.

What we did

We separated the wellbeing resources from the workload reduction resources and then explored the idea of a much wider service for wellbeing and how this could look in the future. We tested a new lo-fi landing page which introduced a new holistic approach to wellbeing and workload as a whole, testing our assumptions on what users expect to see from DfE.

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What we found

We tested this exploratory idea with school leaders to see if the idea of a greater service would be something they would find useful. When we spoke to school leaders, they felt like the 6 options fit well together and would be useful to have them all in one place.

What we want to investigate

School leaders flagged some concerns around this adding to their workload if they needed to work through all these resources. So, we plan to explore this further during beta and address this through any comms for the new service.

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