The resources in the school workload reduction toolkit are organised into 3 groups that make up a linear journey:

  1. Resources that help users identify their workload issues
  2. Resources that help users address workload areas
  3. Resource that help users evaluate their workload measures

What we did

In Alpha we explored how we could reduce the amount of written content whilst still emphasising this linear process, so that users understand where the toolkit starts and ends.

We did this by:

  • Stripping out unnecessary content
  • Clearly signposting each step of the linear journey
  • Writing simple sentences in plain English

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What we found

In testing, users liked this new horizontal linear layout as it reduced scrolling and offered a clear way to work through each stage in the toolkit. User's also liked the use of visual cues to represent each stage of the process, making it easier for users to recognise which stage in the linear process they are at, whilst using the toolkit.

What we want to investigate

As a result of our design exploration and user testing, we believe that this new layout helps users understand where the toolkit starts and ends, offering a clear and simple way to navigate through the service.

However, we think that we can reduce even more content and links could be stripped to offer simpler navigation and we'll continue to explore this in Beta.

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