We want to encourage users to share what has worked in their school because practice in workload reduction and wellbeing is always evolving so resources can easily become outdated. School staff also know what works best in schools, so we want to know more about what they have done to help reduce workload and improve wellbeing in their school.

We currently have thirty eight resources spread across the three steps in the workload reduction toolkit and staff wellbeing section of our service.

What we did

We introduced a new page in our service that provides a form for users to share and submit their ideas.

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What we found

In testing, most users were happy sharing their ideas on what has worked in their school to help with reducing workload and improving wellbeing. However, we found that some users weren’t sure what submitting ideas means exactly and they want to know what happens after they share their ideas with us.

Users also preferred the structure of a form to another simpler idea we tested. This was just a page explaining what ideas were wanted and linking to an email address they could submit ideas to.

What we decided

Due to the above and the complexity of building a form within our service, we decided to redesign this page in our service by doing the following:

  • Adding more content on what sharing ideas for this service means for users
  • Adding content on what users should expect after they share their ideas
  • Adding a share your ideas button that takes users to a Microsoft form (outside the service) where they can share their ideas

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