The Get Into Teaching website has had a blog section for several years now. The blog aimed to help meet user needs around providing relatable and inspirational content about careers in teaching.

User need: As someone interested in becoming a teacher, I need to see authentic depictions of teaching, so that I feel inspired about teaching as a profession

Screenshot of the old blog homepage

Our research and analysis identified several problems with the blog, such as:

  • low engagement with blog pages
  • users found it difficult to find and did not understand its purpose
  • some blogs were very long, or the key message of the blog was not clear

The introduction of a new inspiration content section called Life as a teacher provided the perfect opportunity to remove the blog and repurpose some of the content.

What we did

We collated all the blog content into one Word document and scraped the pages for quotes that could be repurposed and blogs that could be transformed into case study pages within the Life as a teacher section.

We created 8 case study pages within the Life as a teacher section. These pages used content from old blogs, and cover a range of topics like career progression, changing careers, and motivations for becoming a teacher.

Screenshot of the why teach subcategory page

The new design and structure of the Life as a teacher section aims to make these case studies easier to find and closer to the topics they relate to.

As well as having the case study pages as engaging content in their own right, we also used a new component to reference them and link to the Life of a teacher section from other areas of the website.

Screenshot of new quote component showing a quote from a case study, image of the author of the case study, and a link to read the case study in full

On other pages, we used quotes from blog that were not repurposed as case study pages. This meant we still got value from the content, even if we did not keep all of it.

Screenshot of a quote from the blog being used to support other content on the site

Once we’d repurposed all the blog content we needed, we removed the blog pages and the section to help keep our content efficient and targeted to meeting user needs.

What next

We will track analytics of the Life as a teacher section to develop our understanding of how users engage with the new section, including the case study pages.

We’re also exploring how we can get new case studies and use other forms of content like multimedia.

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