The existing footer on the Get Into Teaching website contained social icons and some links to things like cookies and the privacy policy.

On certain pages through the site, we used an additional component that displayed our live chat, phone number and link to the teacher training adviser service. We only displayed this on some pages, as only certain users would be eligible for the adviser service.


Not having the same information at the bottom of every page caused an accessibility issue, as it meant that we were not providing a consistent place for our users to seek help and support.

To address this issue, we redesigned our footer component so that it could be used on every page throughout the site.

We included the phone number, and live chat at the top of the footer and removed the link to the adviser service. To ensure that users are still able to find the adviser service we designed a new adviser component that could be used on pages where eligible users will visit.

Benefits of the new footer include:

  • contact centre details are now available on every page, including form pages such as our mailing list
  • call and chat now stand out much more than previously
  • the phone number is now a clickable link
  • we are not promoting the adviser service on pages it’s not relevant for


As part of search engine optimisation improvements, we are making across the site, we updated the footer to include links to the most searched for pages on the site. We chose the links based on keyword research and which would make sense to users as they navigated the website.

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