In autumn 2024 we made a number of changes to the subject pages on the Get Into Teaching website, we:

  • created individual subject pages for 13 subjects
  • redesigned the pages
  • used common text components to make updating the pages easier

After making these changes, there were around 12 remaining subjects which didn’t have their own page. When deciding which subjects should have individual pages, we looked at:

  • what levels the subjects are taught at, for example, whether they’re taught up to A Level
  • whether having a page on a particular subject would be beneficial for search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • whether we could combine the subjects with other subject pages

From this work we decided to combine the following subjects by adding a new section under the ‘What you’ll teach' heading:

For SEO purposes, we decided to include separate pages for:

We now have 16 individual subject pages, with 3 of these combining multiple subjects. Since doing this work, we have noticed improvements in SEO, with impressions and clicks for the subject pages on a continuous upward path.

Screenshot of the history subject page on the Get Into Teaching website. The image shows the What you'll teach section featuring the new section on Teaching classics.

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