Why did we do this work?

We have a section on the website all about funding your training, but we did not talk about salaried routes here, which could potentially be quite confusing to users.

We know that many more candidates apply for salaried courses than are eligible, and that candidates do not understand how salaried courses might be different to fee-funded courses.

We wanted to add a new page on salaried routes to our funding section so we could set expectations about salaried courses.

Creating the content

We started the page by talking about eligibility to make it really clear right at the start of the content whether a candidate would be eligible.

We also wanted to make it clear that some candidates may be better off doing a fee-funded course (where they do not receive a salary and will pay course fees) if they were eligible for a scholarship or bursary.

This is because the scholarship or bursary is tax-free and may be more for some subjects than the unqualified teacher’s salary a candidate on a salaried course would receive.

Further considerations

If the scholarship and bursary amounts change, we may need to revise the guidance to make sure it is still up to date.

We also mention School Direct salaried training and training delivered by Teach First - if teacher training routes are revised, we’ll also have to revisit this content.


Screenshot of new salaried teacher training page

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