The feedback form is located in the 'beta banner' of all digital services. It is a requirement to have that as part of your digital service.
Any user who clicked on the ‘feedback’ in the banner they are taken to a 20 question Google form.
Not everyone will be able to access the form (not have a gmail account) so it had a high barrier for entry for the amount of questions. Form is simplified asking minimal but more valid questions asks one question per page with progress indiciators to avoid overwelming users and reducing chances of dropping off (see GDS progress indicators)
Questions asked and rationales
"About you"
- This question is important to quickly identify the type of user - allowing us to compare the survey results with more validity
- The first couple of questions start with radio inputs so users can quickly progress through the survey with minimum effort also reducing chances of them leaving the survey
- This question addresses the user in a way that makes it clear that this service is not for the general pupil
"Overall, how did you feel about using this service?“
- Another quick question to let users quickly progress through the survey
- This can help measure KPI - measure the satisfaction of using this service
- This question is optional
“What did you like and dislike about this service?”
- Textarea allows for more elaborative responses and merges 2 questions into one
- If user is short on time to answer this. they can stil skip this question anway
- This question is optional
“Would you like to participate in our research to improve this service?”
- Beneficial to ask this for future UR - by asking if the user is a school or TP (from first question) it helps us organise these responses for UR tests
- Inset text use to make rationale stand out in this question, which relates to the original purpose of the service and reflects on the pupils that this could benefit.
- Deadline date can also be included in this question
Even though only 2 participants engaged with this form, they were both interested in taking part in user research. This is also an incentive for us to ask for feedback in different parts of the journey for more prominence. View design concepts