To set this September MVP goal we have used the:

  • user needs established in alpha
  • technical feasibility of delivery
  • policy priorities.

A lean product is deliverable for September and gives us time to work on the service flows in School Account and MYESF. For September 2023 we will:

  • add mandatory tasks for finance and funding into the current user-interface for MYESF
  • make it available to pre-16 academies only
  • link mandatory tasks to data and content from the task and service index, signposting existing content pages
  • ensure we have user research planned and performance analytics in place to track the impact.

Key delivery team for September release

Product Manager – Paul Raine
Delivery Manager - Akankshya Pattanaik
Technical Lead - Nguyen Tuong
Content designer - Lisa Matthews
Interaction designer - Steve O’Connor
Data analyst – Ozge Pervane
Business Analyst – Rachana Bhankur
Business Analyst – Neha Mohanty
Lead developer – Sai Keerthi
Senior Tester – Sugantha Srinivasan
Developers – Silambarasan Duraiswamy, Sneha Pant, Alexander Wilson, Safaa Abukar, Marneni Saseelya