Designer: Steve O’Connor

What’s a mission patch?

Mission patches are an idea borrowed, in the early days of GDS, from NASA and their space mission patches. We produce them as stickers rather than stitched patches though. Not just cute and fun, they are a chance for a team to celebrate success and recognise their efforts, marking significant milestones in a project.

But they are also cute and fun.

People in teams across government organisations love them and wear them on their laptops – and elsewhere - with pride. Animal mascots are hugely popular. We humans love nothing better than to anthropomorphise an animal.

There was a mission patch for the School Account Alpha (below), but we are looking to add something more standout and team-centric to the design.


So we’re doing a mission patch for the private beta launch, and we want to use an animal. But what animal best represents School Account’s DfE Connect service?

Dfe Connect:

  • is aiming to help with organisation and efficiency
  • gathers together services in one place
  • will adapt as we discover more and explore is use with people.

So, an animal that gathers things, is curious, adaptable, and efficient …

A chipmunk!

So after a few rounds of sketching and drawing may I present Connie, the Connect chipmunk.

A cute cartoon style chipmunk face with large green eyes and a smiling face.

And here’s the first mission patch, with Connie having a private beta launch!


More Connie featuring mission patches to come in the future!

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Mission Patch