Task list changes following user research

We began the next set of changes to the prototype by acting on some of the feedback we got during the user research.

This included:

  • Status tasks to reflect a task's status - these now show if a task is yet to set, is in progress or is completed
  • Explicitly refer to Regional Delivery Officers in handover task questions - this should improve clarity for users, avoiding confusion with Operational Delivery Team Delivery Officers (our users)

Name changes throughout the division

There have been multiple changes to areas of the department, the group and the division we and our users belong to.

There have also been changes to the name of the team our users work in, and their job titles.

This has meant we've made changes in the prototype to reflect this.

The team our users are part of has changes from Operational Delivery Team to Regional Casework Services.

Our users' job titles have changed from Delivery officers to Caseworkers.

Preparing versions of the handover process for user research

To help us continue testing and iterating the task list and the actions users take to complete those tasks, we created an alternative version of the handover task.

This removed unnecessary questions and listed all the relevant questions on one page, rather than one question per page.

Preparing the project information tab for user research

Following discussions with some of the caseworkers, we were able to get more information about what they needed from a project information tab.

The idea of a project information tab was something that had been included in the Figma screens.

This contained all the background information about the project, including contact details, SharePoint file locations and school type.

We wanted to start investigating more about how useful that was, and what information in it was most useful.

Document journeys

We also built journeys for checking and clearing legal documents and other files needed to progress the conversion.

This included:

  • Local authority questionnaire
  • Conversion grant
  • Non-legal documents

Testing the prototype with users

In this research we wanted to do two things:

  1. check users understood the project information concept
  2. discover what information should be in the project information tab

We asked users to navigate from the project list to a project, view the tasks in the handover section, then view the project information page.

Then, we asked users to do an open card sort to identify the information they need to know when they first start a project.

Research findings

From that research, we found:

  • Some language didn't match with how case workers refer to things. We had used "old URN" and "new URN". Caseworks refer to them as "URN" and "Academy's URN"
  • Caseworkers were positive about the project information tab. They liked that it contains all the information they need to know when they start a project, in one place
  • There were some concerns over the source of the information, and how accurate it would be
  • There are some inconsistencies in the handover process. The product, or process changes, could resolve these issues

We will use these findings to inform the next round of changes we make to the task list.

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