Goal 1: finalise all process mapping

We completed the validation of the process maps we’ve worked on - checking them back with the people involved in the process to make sure we’ve captured everything. We’ve made additions and amendments using the feedback we received.

Goal 2: finalise findings and recommendations

To research this problem we have:

  • reviewed existing user research
  • analysed user enquiries
  • held process mapping workshops with internal stakeholders
  • analysed existing content
  • carried out user research with external users
  • sent a survey to external users

In this sprint, we brought the individual findings from all of these sources together, to create a set of overall findings.

We then used these findings to inform our recommendations. We’re sharing our findings and recommendations with ESFA leadership shortly, as well as in a show and tell on Friday 30 August. We’ll then publish them in a design history post.

Goal 3: start to prepare for peer review

All discoveries at DfE are required to have a discovery peer review at the end of the phase. This is a 2 hour informal review of the team’s work for:

  • feedback
  • recommendations
  • reassurance that the team have understood the problem and should move onto the alpha phase

Our peer review is on Thursday 30 August. Reviewers are digital professionals from across DfE including specialists in design and user research.

The output of the peer review is a report which includes:

  • what the team has done well
  • recommendations that consider the first 7 points of the Service Standard

The service standard is a set of 14 standards that all government digital service teams must follow to make sure they are design and build accessible, usable and understandable services.

As a team we’ve been working on what we will present during the 2 hour review, to demonstrate that we have met the standards.

We'll talk about our approach and what we found out – which will compress everything we've shared in our show and tells and design histories over the last 7 sprints.

We'll also share our findings and recommendations, and outline a plan for the next phase – alpha.

Goal 4: start to create discovery report

As well as the materials we’ll use for the peer review, we’re also making sure we’ve got everything fully documented for others to refer to in the future.

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