Goal 1: conduct the last external user research sessions

In sprint 5, we completed 7 user interviews with those responsible for managing funding communications in academies and academy trusts. 

In this sprint, we conducted our last 4 user interviews. This brings our total to 11 one-to-one semi structured interviews with academy and academy trust staff. 

Goal 2: analyse the external user research to identify themes

Once we completed our user research, we began analysis to identify key themes. Identifying our key themes gives us the opportunity to highlight core challenges and areas for improvement. This analysis will be included in our user research output. 

Goal 3: close the survey, and begin analysis

We received 25 responses to our survey. This is quite a small sample size, so the results are not generalisable, but they do support our interview findings. We analysed the results to identify key patterns and trends. 

Our results from this survey will be included in our user research output. 

Goal 4: start recommendations

We drafted our recommendations based on findings from our key outputs, including user research, process maps, content analysis and information gathering with stakeholders. We have recommendation workshops scheduled as a team in Sprint 7 to finalise these. 

Goal 5: refine the internal ways of working map

We worked with stakeholders to validate the internal ways of working map. We are making updates to the map to reflect any feedback from our stakeholders. 

Goal 6: complete process map for senior mental health leads

We have completed our process map for the senior mental health leads funding stream. 

Goal 7: 16 to 19 and ECF process map validation

We are working with stakeholders to validate our process maps for 16 to 19 early career frameworks. We have also finished mapping the process for senior mental health leads and are working with stakeholders to validate this process map in this sprint. 

Goal 8: content analysis and process mapping of remittance advice

We are finishing our mapping of the remittance advice process. We have also analysed the content of remittance advice documents and guidance. We are adding any relevant findings from the content analysis into the remittance advice process map. 

Goal 9: add content analysis for early career framework and senior mental health leads into process map

We have analysed content for early career framework and senior mental health leads.

Early career framework

Some key findings include:

  • allocations are in an ODS spreadsheet format and are uploaded onto GOV.UK
  • providers are told when their allocation is available in an ESFA update
  • GOV.UK guidance shows how early career framework funding is calculated

Senior mental health leads

Some key findings include: 

  • GOV.UK guidance is replaced by an update version every year
  • guidance specifies the exact payment dates
  • allocations are added to GOV.UK for transparency after providers are paid
  • providers do not receive ESFA updates about this funding type

We pulled out these relevant findings and have added them into the relevant process maps.

Sprint 7 goals

  • finalise process and the internal ways of working map 
  • finalise recommendations
  • create discovery report
  • create peer review output


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