Goal 1: complete process mapping for next 2 funding streams

In sprint 4, we finished mapping the high-level process for pupil premium and PE and sport premium and general annual grant (GAG).

In this sprint, we mapped the high-level process for 16 to 19 and Early Career Framework.

Goal 2: send survey to external users

Our survey was sent out in the ESFA update on the 17 July.

We also shared the survey with participants after user research interviews to pass on to their colleagues within academies or academy trusts.

We are planning to close the survey next sprint and begin analysis of the results.

Goal 3: continue to carry out user research with external users

We completed 7 user interviews with those responsible for managing funding communications in academies and academy trusts.

We have 4 more interviews scheduled for the week beginning 29 July.

Goal 4: add content findings into process maps for next 2 funding streams

Using previous analysis of allocations and payment information content for each funding stream, we added the key findings into the high-level process maps for GAG and 16 to 19.

We have now added the content findings into the process maps for the following funding streams:

  • pupil premium
  • PE and sport premium
  • general annual grant
  • 16 to 19

Next sprint, we will add the content findings into the final two process maps for early career framework (ECF) and senior mental health leads (SMHL).

Goal 5: gain an understanding of remittance advice

We have had a session with those responsible for creating remittance advice.

We will be holding follow up sessions to validate the process for creating remittance advice. Once we have validated that the process is correct, we will add it to our process maps for all funding streams.

We will be looking at the content of remittance advice documents by analysing some examples and looking at it from an external user perspective.

Goal 6: complete a first draft of emerging themes

In our research so far, we have found the following emerging themes.

Complexity of funding communication

Internal ESFA funding processes vary significantly. Each process has different steps, teams to communicate with, quality assurance (QA) checks, and communication formats.

This complexity needs to be addressed to ensure effective communication to providers about their funding.

Cross-team dependencies

Currently, internal ESFA funding processes differ according to funding stream, and rely on existing relationships and conversations with colleagues from multiple teams across the Funding Division.

Internal teams also often depend on policy teams and decisions made by ministers. This can lead to delays and uncertainty for providers.

Users desire early and clear communication to avoid disruption to their work.

Overwhelm for providers

Providers struggle with managing multiple digital tools, with different formats and designs. This leads providers to be uncertain about some aspects of their funding and rely on their own networks to ask questions.

Many providers desire a centralised location for information and well-timed and simplified communication.

Taking a whole service approach

Funding are complex, and each grant is designed and managed in a bespoke way across teams, processes and platforms.

While we have seen many potential solutions, such as introducing new digital tools, we need to focus on understanding and addressing the root causes of the issues. Not addressing these will only add more complexity to an already complicated system.

A better understanding of the whole end-to-end service will enable us to expose and tackle these root causes, reduce complexity and realise internal efficiency.

These themes will contribute to our research analysis and final recommendations. This is only a first draft, and more details will be added once the research is completed.

Goal 7: validate first 3 funding stream process maps

In our previous sprints, we gathered information about the internal processes in workshops with internal operators.

Following those workshops, we created our high-level process maps for each funding stream.
In this sprint, we reached out to those who attended those sessions to help us validate the accuracy of process maps for PE and sport premium, pupil premium and general annual grant.
In sprint 6, we will be aiming to validate the high-level process maps for the remaining 3 funding streams.

Sprint 6 goals

Next sprint, our goals are to:

  • conduct the last external user research sessions
  • analyse the external user research and identify themes
  • close the survey, and begin analysis
  • start recommendations
  • refine the internal ways of working map
  • complete process map for senior mental health leads
  • 16 to 19 and ECF process map validation
  • content analysis of remittance advice
  • add content analysis for early career framework and senior mental health leads into process map

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